Demographic cliff hits in 2025

However, like everything in clown world, it will hurt Christian institutions the worst - the entire game is rigged against small Christian Liberal Arts colleges. This year, the Department of Education deliberately delayed the FAFSA results, so that FAFSA dependent smaller institutions catering to rural and working class kids got killed, because the big guys could just go ahead and make prospective offers figuring that they could handle it, financially. While Boomers are cheering about avocado toast eating gender studies majors, it will be midwestern Christian colleges that provide a decent education that go under first. One is already gone, The King's College in New York City, and the massacre of remaining Christian Colleges over the next three years will be horrible. Cornell and Williams and the State Schools will be just fine.

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You’re back Ryan, was thinking about you the other day wondering what you were up to. Then I stumble upon this. Good stuff as always!

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I saw a recent headline that read (something like) "Colleges closing at the rate of one per week".

Of course, a lot of that is also due to having fewer bodies to draw upon.

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One of the hallmarks of leftism is that there is never any self awareness of the causes for systemic failure. The eternal refrain from Marxists of all-stripes is "They just didn't do socialism 'correctly'". Had they simply tweaked some of the underlying parameters differently, it all would have worked somehow. It's never the obvious and inherent disconnect between Marxism and meritocracy. Socialism is forever and always, absolved from its own failure.

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